Coriander …. Cilantro

I will put my hand up to not liking the taste of coriander, so much so that if I forget to ask for it not to be put all over my Indian curry I will endeavour to pick it off before eating!

Having discussed the benefits of this particular herb I am going to start eating it, these benefits include its use in the treatment of skin inflammation and other skin disorders, high cholesterol levels, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, anemia, indigestion, menstrual disorders, smallpox, conjunctivitis and blood disorders.

Citronelol, an element of the oil in coriander is an antiseptic. Studies have shown coriander to have antihistamine properties which can reduce some affects of seasonal allergies and hay fever. The oil can be used to reduce allergic reactions from plants, foods, insects on skin or when consumed.

The essential oils are rich in antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-infectious and detoxifying components and acids. It is also anticarcinogenic and anticonvulsant. Indigestion is reduced if coriander is regularly added to the diet. It is a rich source of calcium and high in iron content.

Carrot and coriander soup is a common way of getting all the benefits of this wonderful herb but it has also been used to flavour panna cotta. I will be trying it in a breakfast smoothie tomorrow morning:

1/2 mango (fresh, or 1/2 cup frozen)
1/3 avocado

1/2 lemon

1 handful of cilantro (coriander)

1 cup (250 ml) fresh coconut water
1 handful of ice or add extra coconut water

You can substitute in the following ways:

Mango – pineapple, banana, apple

Avocado – banana

Lemon – grapefruit, lime

Cilantro – turmeric, ginger, mint

Coconut water – water, maple water