Why getting back to balance is so important for us all:

If someone is angry and says something unkind we are more likely to be compassionate and have an understanding that it is their ‘stuff’ and actually we were with them in that moment as they showed it.

If something at work goes wrong we can use our head to ‘work out’ a solution. This is so much more difficult if you are stressed, in ‘Flight, Fight, Freeze mode’.

If you feel like you’ve made the wrong choice. Being balanced will enable you to change that choice rather than continue down that path, hoping it will get better.

If you are running out of time and very busy, from a place of balance you will be able to prioritise more effectively.

When you receive a bill in the post, that brown envelope, from a place of balance you can check when it needs to be paid and how to do it.

When your pc stops working or your washing machine won’t drain properly. You will find the best person to help you.

When you have forgotten something, if you panic it really won’t help you, balance and work out how to deal with it.

When you fail at losing that weight for a party, understand that you can and will lose it and now you just need to find the outfit you feel better in.

When you get overwhelmed with work if you balance yourself you can ask for more time, delegate and also be more understanding of what is possible to accomplish.

Finding a better feeling enables you to balance yourself, don’t wait for your environment to change. You change. It’s the best gift you can give yourself – BALANCE